
       Basics Of HTML

HTML is not a programming language, it is markup language. It basically decides how our webpage will be structured.It is consist of various tags which helps us to build webpages.

HTML elements -->

1.doctype: It is not a tag. It basically tells that this is html file of that particular version u mentioned.
i.e <!DOCTYPEhtml>

2.HTML: It is the basic component of HTML webpage used after doctype.
i.e <html>...</html>

3.metadata: It is basically data which is consist of the information about HTML document.

4.head: It is used to contain metadata of the html document.
i.e <head>...</head>

5.title: It is the name doc file which is displayed at the title bar of the web-browser. : Used to link external files with HTML doc.
for ex. external CSS file.

7.meta: This tag <meta> is used to store metadata of the file. : Used for CSS inside within the HTML file.

9.base: Used inside the head for relative links.

10 .script: Used to add javascript to the webpage.

11.noscript: Used when browser don't support javascript.
